Mental Health impact during COVID-19 | X2AI

Posted on
May 13, 2021

The world has changed after COVID landed on our daily lives. Among the many new concerns that the pandemic has brought to our communities, it has dramatically impacted mental health. According to the WHO, after surveying 130 countries worldwide (from June 2020 to August 2020), the demand for mental health services has increased by 93%. This survey also showed that 60% reported disruptions to mental health services for vulnerable people and 67% for disruptions to counseling and psychotherapy. 

During the pandemic breakdown, the WHO, recommends that countries allocate resources to mental health as an integral component of their response and recovery plans. Artificial intelligence has been proven to be an effective tool source or support. The main benefit of integrating chatbots as a part of mental health services is that help can be escalated by lowering rates. Tess, an evidence-based emotional-wellness chatbot, has been shown to support +1M people during COVID for depression and anxiety regardless of income and location of the person.

Posted on
May 13, 2021
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